Broom 29
The baby of the Broom range, the 29 is a medium powered displacement cruiser designed mainly as a river boat but with a capacity for estuary cruising. Produced in hard […]
Broom 10/70
The successor to the Broom European and similarly intended for the continental market, the 10/70 had a solid keel which kept it in a straight line even at a crawling […]
South East Region meeting minutes
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Postponement of SE Members meeting at CA London
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Ireland Cruising Info
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Cruising in the European Region
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The latest edition of the Club magazine, Sweeping Statements, is out now, and was posted to members on Monday, 26th April. You should receive your copy by the end of […]
For many years, when Brooms were still building boats, Clements Engineering were the preferred propellor supplier. They cast propellors for specific build numbers, and over t
Tony Riley awarded Chairman’s Letter of Commendation, July 2021
BOC member Tony Riley, owner of Broom 35 Sedan ‘Legacy’, has been awarded the Chairman’s Letter of Commendation. Nominated by former Thames Region Coordinator Andrew Cotter,