Frequently Asked Questions
In this section you will find questions and answers that might be of use to existing or prospective members.
If you are still stuck please email and we will try to help you!
HELP! I can't log in
Your username is the email address registered with the club. You can reset your password using the link on the Login page.
Can I get technical drawings for my boat as a member?
We have copies of some owners manuals that have been provided to us by members. The quality and detail of the guide may not be all you would hope for!
Who can I contact about events in my region?
Speak to your regional coordinator or representative if there is one. All the details are on the Regions page. If there is no coordinator for your region please contact our vice-chairman Keith Rowe who will be happy to help
If I join in September will I have to pay again in November?
No 🙂 Any new members who join after 1st September are automatically renewed until November of the following year.
Do you offer any club clothing for members?
Yes! visit our Shop page and you can choose from a wide range of logo’ed items with either the heritage logo or the alternative design.
How can I find details of other members?
There are lists of current members organised by mooring region, boat type or home region or listed alphabetically by boat name or members name. Visit our Members Details page.
Why is my boat not in the models gallery?
We have included all the boats that we know of and have details of. If you have a rare model that we haven’t included please do let us have photos and details so that we can add it in.
Can I pay by credit card?
We prefer electronic bank transfer as there are no bank charges.
I joined online and paid electronically. Why can I still not login?
Your application has to be verified by one of our committee members and some of us have to work as well! We will check it as soon as we can and then authorise your account. Be aware that if you use a 3rd party payment platform it may take longer for the funds to reach us. We are normally able to confirm online accounts within 3 days.
Can I get notified when there are new posts on the forum?
Yes! Click the subscribe link at the top of each forum and you will get an email when there are new posts or responses.
How can I find members with the same boat as me?
There are lists of current members organised by mooring region, boat type or home region or listed alphabetically by boat name or members name. Visit our Members Details page.
Is there a BOC Facebook group and if so, how do I join?
There is! Search Broom Owners Club on Facebook or click here! You will need to request permission from our Facebook administrator to join the group – open to all club members.
Are there any Club rules and where can I find them?
Of course, that’s what makes it so fun! Check them out on our Constitution and Policies page
Can I advertise my boat for sale on the website?
Yes you can. Club members can post their adverts for boats or parts for sale or wanted in our members forum under the Sales section
Where can I find my membership number?
This is on your original paperwork and membership card and on your individual full record on the pdf reports on the website.