For many years, when Brooms were still building boats, Clements Engineering were the preferred propellor supplier. They cast propellors for specific build numbers, and over the years have maintained a record of the specification for individual boats. Additionally, they manufacture propellors for clients world-wide, and have a significant expertise in propellor design and construction.
Clements had offered a discount to BOC members but discontinued this as they want to support Broom dealers and not under-cut them. They do want to maintain ties with the BOC however, and are proposing to write an article for Sweeping Statements, based on the types of queries members may have about propellors, and about common propellor problems, and pay for this article to be printed in the Club magazine.
The article will depend on you asking the questions, so if you have any queries about pitch and thrust, or cavitation and trailing edges or the best type of propellor for your hull shape, then let me know. I will gather them together for Clements Engineering to provide the answers.
A closing date of 31 August, 2021, will allow plenty of time to get your questions in, and also allow time to provide answers for problems which may arise during the present cruising season. E-mail your questions to David.Haugh@btconnect by 31 August, and sooner if possible.
It’s a win-win situation. Get your propellor queries answered and get support for the Club magazine too. What’s not to like?