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Next Committee meeting – 22nd April
Committee meets four times each year, and the next one will take place on Saturday 22nd April at the Cruising Association Headquarters in Limehouse. There is always a full agenda, but it is important that members raise any matters about Club activities and organisation so that they can be given some consideration. The draft agenda is below, but if you have any issues for debate, post a response below or contact your Regional Co-ordinator in advance of the day!. The draft minutes will be posted on the web-site a couple of weeks afterwards
Committee meeting Agenda,
1 | Welcome by the Chairman [DHg] |
2 | Apologies for absence [JO] |
3 | Approval of the minutes of the meeting held on 16th February [DHg] |
4 | Matters arising from the February meeting [DHg] |
5 | Membership survey [DHg] |
6 | 2023 AGM [DHg] |
7 | 20th Anniversary event [DHg] |
8 | Secretary’s Report [JO] |
9 | Treasurer’s Report and Budget [DE] |
10 | Membership and Renewals [KF] |
11 | Club Insurances affiliations and Policy documents [DHg] |
12 Tabled Reports | |
Web master’s Report [LB] | |
b National Events [LV] | |
Technical Co-ordinator [KR] | |
Magazine [JJ] / [DHg] | |
Regional Co-ordinatorsCentral -Eastern [PW]European [DW]Ireland [PF]South Coast [GO]South East [AF]Thames -Regional Representatives’ feedback | |
7 | Any Other Business |