Broom Owners Club

2022 AGM Booking forms sent out!


Saturday 22nd October – Sunday 23rd October

at the Marriott Hotel, Portsmouth PO6 4SH

Plans are in hand for the first ”in person’ AGM since 2019. Each year the venue changes in order to ensure that travelling burdens are shared by members living in different Regions. This year it is the turn of the South Coast Region to provide the venue. The chosen hotel is close to important Portsmouth naval attractions and historic sites.

Details and booking information are currently being sent, so look out for the E-mail AGM notification on your system – and make sure to check your Spam box too, just in case. Every effort has been made to ensure links to the programme and booking form work for as many systems as possible, but even so difficulties can still arise. Do make contact if you have problems! More details about the AGM business meeting will be sent out in September, but meanwhile, do give some thought to joining this national meeting!

You can download the programme and booking form to you system using the links below:

NB Closing date for bookings is 23rd September 2022

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