2022-2023 winners Peter and Gill Pitcher
Channel Islands members Peter and Gill Pitcher take the 2023 award for their extremely comprehensive and well presented entries with “Homeward Bound”,”By Boat to Basel” and “Happy to be on Seawolf” an article published in the CA Magazine in December 2022.
This is the second occasion that the Pitchers have won this award with the first time being back in it’s year of instigation in 2016 when we presented the trophy on the Broom stand at the London Boat Show.
They are pictured here in front of their cruise display, with every pin representing a harbour visited. Click the image to zoom in.
Accounts of all of their voyages can be read on their website seawolf.club
Stephen Byrne
Thank you very much for allowing me to join broom owners club it’s much appreciated I’ve just recently bought a broom skipper 30 and looking forward to boating life on the river Shannon in Ireland
David Haugh
Well deserved winners who really showed what a Broom boat is capable of, taking them to many cruising grounds in style, comfort and safety.