Peter Bentley

Peter Bentley - Chairman

Contact Details

Landline: 0113 2863692

Mobile Phone: +44 (0)7802 751160


Miscellaneous Information – Broom 35 European 1979 “Joint Venture” – moored in Newark Marina

I have been on the BOC committee since the Club’s formation, with one year off. I was the Regional Co-ordinator for the Ireland Region (2006-2014) and the Vice Chairman (2019). I am currently the Chairman (2021) I have been Co-ordinator for the Central Region since 2015 but am now standing down from that role.

I have been a Broom owner since 2000, based firstly on the Broads, then moving to the River Trent and for nine years on the River Shannon. We moved back to the Trent in 2015. During this time on the Committee, I was the original editor of Sweeping Statements for three years and briefly the Regional Development Officer
