Andrew Cotter

David Haugh - Newsletter Editor

Contact Details

Landline: 01789 490994

Mobile Phone: 07711 018330

Location: Temple Grafton, Warwickshire

Miscellaneous Information – Broom 42 “Sinemora” – Moored Belgium

After a career as a regular soldier, formed his own business in financial services. Now semi-retired and concentrating on boating amongst other things. Over 30 plus years of dinghy and offshore sailing and about 15 years of motor cruising on the Thames and in Europe.

I now have 11 years and 22 issues of the magazine under my belt as Editor, and during that time my aim has always been to improve the magazine and to produce a quality product that reflects the high standards of Broom boats. The magazine has improved over the years, and I try to achieve the same standard for each issue in style, layout and printing and of course content. I hope members will agree that this has generally been achieved. However, there is still room for further enhancement and if my nomination is successful, I hope to make improvements in the coming issues which, whilst continuing to reflect the traditions of Broom boats, will also incorporate changes to meet the expectations of members.

I do recognise that a new pair of hands could introduce a new vision and other ideas for the magazine, and I would be happy to assist a new editor should one be elected, as much as they may want, whilst easing themselves into the job. This of course could only be an advantage for the magazine and the Club itself, so if you would like to take on the challenge, please get your nomination in.
