Keith Rowe

Keith Rowe - Technical Co-ordinator

Contact Details

Mobile Phone: 07970284557

Location: Norfolk

Miscellaneous Information – Broom 41 2001 “Great Escape” Eastern Region.

I was approached to undertake the role of Technical Co-ordinator in March 2020 and having accepted it, I have been very busy and am thoroughly enjoying it.

I have been contacted by owners and potential owners from all over Europe seeking information and advice on numerous Broom models.

I have worked within the marine industry for many years initially as a boat builder in my early career. Then, prior to my retirement, I returned to a career with boats when I became a yacht broker.

I have many years of boating experience and knowledge which I hopefully can share with Club members, and I look forward to meeting future and existing members.

My wife Carole and I are quite active members of the Eastern Region arranging talks, walks and going on cruises etc. and we are now proud owners of our third Broom.
